We’d love to keep you on as a member

If you’ve been directed to this page it means you’ve previously signed up for PatchSA membership but have not paid your fees for the past one or two years. We’ve loved having you as a member but urgently need to know what your intentions are before our AGM on Tuesday 8 June 2021.

Should you wish to remain a paying member of PatchSA with the benefits as outlined below, please let us know by completing the form below and then paying your 2021 fees using the relevant PayFast button provided or via EFT, Zapper or Snapscan.

If you no longer wish to be considered as a paying member of PatchSA, please let us know by completing the form below and we will remove you from our membership roll. You will, however, remain on our mailing list and will receive our monthly newsletters and alerts.

If we do not hear from you by Tuesday 8 June 2021, we will assume you no longer wish to retain PatchSA membership and remove your from our membership roll.

Please complete the form below

Benefits of PatchSA Membership

PatchSA welcomes any families, caregivers and child-caring professionals including paediatricians, GPs, nurses, social workers, allied health practitioners, psychologists, counsellors, teachers and clergy to join us.

Members benefit from a 10% reduced fee when attending PatchSA workshops/seminars and will receive special offers on Patch Academy courses. They also have the following benefits:

  • Doctors and specialists benefit from a R300 reduction on membership fees for Palprac.
  • The right to vote for new Board members after one full year of membership
  • The right to stand for Board membership or to nominate a Board member after three full years of membership
  • The opportunity to participate in PatchSA subgroups
  • Access to expertise and discussion groups via our WhatsApp support group
  • Receive our monthly newsletters, with information about upcoming events across SA
  • Share experiences and practical tips with other families in similar situations
  • Locate regionally-based, professional support through a national database of service providers
  • Be informed of regional seminars and workshops
  • Be part of an organisation that advocates for palliative care for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.

Family and Caregiver Membership

Free to Join

Parents or other family members /caregivers of a child or young person who might not reach adulthood, can join PatchSA and help promote the cause of children’s palliative care in South Africa. This membership is also open to any palliative care recipient 13 years or older.


R150 Fee

A community member can be anyone who is committed to promoting the understanding and awareness of children’s palliative care in South Africa. This includes hospice volunteers, community caregivers, students, pensioners – anyone who is interested and wishes to get involved.

Healthcare Professional Membership

R350 – Doctors & Specialists 

R250 – All other healthcare providers  

This category is for paediatricians, doctors, medical officers, nurses, social workers, social auxiliary workers, counsellors, psychologists, therapists, teachers, pastors, and any other member of a healthcare profession.

Please renew your annual membership fee by using the appropriate button below.
Thank you!

Pay R150 for Community Membership


Pay R250 for Nurse and Allied Professional Membership


Pay R350 for Doctor and Specialist Membership


We also accept EFT, Snapscan and Zapper, details of which you will find here. We’ll be in contact via email as soon as your submission and payment reaches us.