MedPal-CNN is an easy -to-use, educational mobile app designed to teach healthcare professionals about paediatric pallaitive care (PPC) and link them with existing evidence-based recommendations.
MedPal CNN is a self-teaching tool intended for parents and professionals who care for patients who have already been diagnosed. The goal of MedPal-CNN is to guide health professionals and parents to learn more about paediatric pallaitive care (PPC) for serious conditions that might shorten the lives of children.

Dr Amery’s book forms basis of app content

Dr. Justin Amery’s book, A Really Practical Handbook of Children’s Palliative Care, forms the basis of this application’s content. Our app development team expanded upon the already excellent information found in Dr. Amery’s book to create MedPal–CNN. We also drew heavily upon

Dr. Michelle Grunauer’s considerable knowledge of pediatric palliative care, which she has gleaned from years of study, research, and clinical practice as she has pioneered novel palliative care initiatives in Ecuador. Dr. Michelle Meiring, a South African pediatric palliative care advocate and pioneer, has also contributed to this app. Finally, the app also includes a multitude of tools and recommendations from organizations like the World Health Organization, Together for Short Lives, and others.

The app is now available for Android and iOS devices in English and Spanish.